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Petzl RIG Descender/Belay Device NFPA

Petzl RIG Descender/Belay Device

TTS PRICE: $239.95


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RIG is a compact self-braking descender for rope access, designed for experienced users. It has an ergonomic handle that allows comfortable descent control. The AUTO-LOCK system allows users to easily position themselves at the work station without having to manipulate the handle or tie off the device. Once locked, the rope can be taken up without having to manipulate the handle. The safety gate allows the rope to be installed with the device remaining connected to the harness.

Easy to use:
  • safety gate on the moving side plate allows the rope to be installed easily while the device remains connected to the harness, facilitating the passage of intermediate anchors
  • easy rope installation, thanks to the rope guide and markings
  • ergonomic handle allows the rope to be released and enables convenient descent control. Two possible descent modes: on the side plate or in the V-shaped friction channel
  • AUTO-LOCK system allows users to easily position themselves at the work station without having to manipulate the handle or tie off the device: as soon as the user releases the handle, the rope is automatically locked in the device. The automatic return system on the handle limits the risk of the device getting accidentally snagged
  • handle automatically switches to storage position when the rope is removed from the device, reducing the risk of accidental snagging when the descender is carried on the harness

  • Versatile:
  • once locked, the rope can be taken up without having to manipulate the handle, allowing for easy short ascents, for example
  • cam can be manipulated to take up slack easily or belay a lead using climbing techniques

  • Specifications:
  • Descending a heavy load up to 200 kg
  • Rope Compatibility: 10 to 11.5 mm in diameter
  • Weight: 400 g
  • Certification(s): EN 341 type 2 class A, CE EN 12841 type C, CE EN 15151-1, NFPA 1983 Technical Use, EAC - EN 341 type 2 class A when used with PARALLEL 10.5 mm or AXIS 11 mm rope - EN 12841 type C when used with a 10 to 11.5 mm EN 1891 A rope - EN 15151-1 when used with a 9 to 11 mm rope - NFPA 1983 Technical Use when used with a 10 to 11.5 mm rope
  • Color: Yellow
  • Guarantee: 3 years

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