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Petzl GRILLON Adjustable Lanyard - 6.7ft

Petzl GRILLON Adjustable Lanyard - 6.7ft

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The GRILLON adjustable lanyard is used to make work positioning systems, to complement a fall-arrest system. Its length can be very easily and precisely adjusted as necessary for comfortable positioning at the work station. Depending on the configuration, it can be used in single or double mode.

Can be used in two ways:
  • 1 - in double mode on the side attachment points of the harness, to distribute the weight on the belt (user has weight on his feet): length is adjusted by pressing on the pivoting cam)
  • 2 - in single mode on the harness ventral attachment point, to distribute weight between the waistbelt and the leg loops (user is suspended): length is adjusted by operating the handle while holding the free end of the lanyard
  • Removable protective sheath protects the rope from abrasive surfaces and allows smooth rope glide
  • The protection can be removed when the lanyard is used in single mode, to bring the user closer to the anchor

  • Specifications:
  • Certification(s): CE EN 358, EAC, ANSI Z359.3
  • Length: 2m (6.7ft)
  • Weight: 435g
  • Guarantee: 3 years

  • NOTE: GRILLON lanyards can also be used to create adjustable anchors or horizontal lifelines. Please see specific versions of GRILLON lanyards for these uses.

    Technical Notice for GRILLON

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