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Petzl EXO AP Escape Kit - 15m

Petzl EXO AP Escape Kit - 15m

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EXO AP HOOK is a personal escape system with anchor hook adapted for locations where the possibility of finding an anchor point is uncertain. It has a self-braking system with anti-panic function for quickly moving horizontally, climbing through a window and controlling and stopping a descent. If the user pulls too hard on the handle, the anti-panic function brakes and stops the descent automatically. EXO AP HOOK also includes a rope that resists wear and high temperatures, an Am'D connector with CAPTIV positioning bar, as well as a bag for transporting and attaching the system directly to the harness.

Multi-purpose anchor hook, usable in locations where the possibility of finding an anchor point is uncertain. Can be used in two ways:
  • Around a structure, fixed with a locking hitch
  • On a window sill, as a last resort

  • Self-braking system with anti-panic function for:
  • Rapid horizontal movement
  • Going out a window
  • Controlling and stopping a descent: if the user pulls too hard on the handle, the anti-panic function brakes and stops the descent automatically
  • Limiting the force transmitted to the user in case of a fall

  • Aramid fiber static rope, 15 m length and 7.5 mm diameter, resists abrasion and high temperatures

    Am'D connector with CAPTIV positioning bar, to help keep the connector correctly positioned and integrated with the device

    Fire-resistant carry bag for attaching the system directly to the harness

  • Working load limit: 140 kg
  • Material(s): aramid, aluminum alloy, stainless steel, nylon, steel
  • Weight: 1470 g
  • Certification(s): NFPA 1983 Escape Use
  • Guarantee: 3 years

  • EXO AP Technical Notice

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