:: Wall Plate Help
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Wall Plate Design Help

With so many different manufacturers making so many different types of wall plates, it can be very confusing trying to assemble the perfect wall plate. The two most popular styles of custom wall plates are Hex Hole and Quickport. Quickport wall plates and inserts are often called Keystone, and while you may see many manufacturers calling there plates Keystone, each manufacturer makes theirs to different specifications. This results in incompatibility between many manufacturers. While the Hex Hole wall plates do not offer the same large selection of inserts, they are more widely compatible. Hex Hole plates use a standard 3/8" hole which is compatible with most all manufacturers Hex Inserts.

Quickport Inserts are available in many connection types:

RCA Jacks 3.5mm Jacks Binding Posts CAT5e Jacks S-Video Jacks USB Jacks

Quickport Wall Plates are available with 1-12 ports in 3 popular wall plate styles:

Single Gang Dual Gang Decora Plates

Quickport Decora Wall-Plates:

Decora plates are popular when your connection requirements exceed a single or dual gang plates available positions. Multiple Decora plates can be used side by side in one double, triple, or larger gang box. Special trim plates are made to dress the Decora plates and give the appearance of one single plate. Decora (Decorator) plates are a standard among manufacturers; you can combine multiple Decora plates such as HDMI, VGA, or other Decora style plates within one trim plate.

Quickport Decora Plate Trim Plate Assembled Plate

Hex Hole Decora Wall-Plates:

Like Quickport Decora plates, Hex Hole Decora Plates can be used in single, dual, or larger gang boxes to create one large wallplate. Decora (Decorator) plates are a standard among manufacturers; you can combine multiple Decora plates such as HDMI, VGA, or other Decora style plates within one trim plate.

Hex Hole Decora Plate Speaker Insert RCA Insert

Tech Tool Supply offers several different manufacturers Quickport style wall plates. While most of the inserts are compatible, there are a few which are not. Please see our Wall Plate Compatibility Chart to confirm which plates are compatible with which inserts.